I occasionally produce creative documentaries and visual essays. Together with Rugile Barzdziukaite, Dovydas Petravicius and Rugile Andziukeviciute, I produced an award-winning short documentary K City (2007). Later, I accomplished a three-channel video installation “Any-Space-Whatever” (2012), alongside several other film and video works. Generally, in my practice I attempt to reveal a material-discursive nature of the real that--I believe--could make any fiction non-fictional (sometimes I do that by employing an ethnographic approach) and open new venues to engage with socio-political actualities. Politics of aesthetics, non-human affects and instability of dominant historical narratives are the themes I have been palpating in my short films and moving-image installations. I am also an initiator of FLOWERS & CONCRETE (2018 - ongoing), an audiovisual research platform for critical engagement with the relationship between human and natural environments. In the face of global environmental crisis, it explores how human-made infrastructures often acquire anthropocentric forms of desire and fantasy and take on fetish-like aspects.
Lukas Brašiškis On Cinematic Things from thedeepsplash on Vimeo.