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    I occasionally produce creative documentaries and moving image essays. Along with Rugile Barzdziukaite, Dovydas Petravicius, and Rugile Andziukeviciute, I co-produced the award-winning short documentary K City. Later, I completed a three-channel video installation titled Any-Space-Whatever (2012), alongside several other film and video works. In my occasional practice of moving image production, I explore the material-discursive nature of reality, which, I believe, renders any fiction inherently non-fictional, opening new pathways for ethnographic engagement with socio-political realities. My short films and installations examine themes such as the politics of aesthetics, non-human affect, and the instability of dominant historical narratives. I also initiated FLOWERS & CONCRETE (2018), an audiovisual research platform focused on creative exploration of the relationship between human and natural environments. In the context of the global environmental crisis, this platform examines how human-made infrastructures often embody anthropocentric desires and fantasies, taking on fetishistic qualities.


    Lukas Brašiškis On Cinematic Things from thedeepsplash on Vimeo.